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Розподілені обчислення в Україні _ SLinCA (Scaling Laws in Cluster Aggregation) [завершено] _ Could not open ZIP_local file.

Автор: La frite Apr 18 2011, 19:55

Hi, I got this error on my computer:
Could not open ZIP_local file.



Автор: SLinCA-Yuri Apr 20 2011, 09:25

(La frite @ Apr 18 2011, 20:55) *

Hi, I got this error on my computer:
Could not open ZIP_local file.



Dear 'La frite',
as you can see http://dg.imp.kiev.ua/slinca/workunit.php?wuid=166081
was successfully finished at my PC (XP Pro 64), but failed at your and other PC (Win 7).
We assume that was caused by different scheme of system calls for zipping in these systems.
That is why we need to re-design our application for Win 7 to eliminate this problem.
We apologize for such behavior of our application and would compensate it by double credits for faulty workunits.
Thank you very much for your observation!
Best regards,

Автор: darek Apr 20 2011, 16:20

Im using Windows XP and I have the same problem as La frite. All my worksunits had errors Could not open zip local file.

Автор: La frite Apr 20 2011, 22:45

(SLinCA-Yuri @ Apr 20 2011, 09:25) *

We assume that was caused by different scheme of system calls for zipping in these systems.
That is why we need to re-design our application for Win 7 to eliminate this problem.

Thanks for looking into the problem wink.gif

Автор: x3mEn Apr 22 2011, 13:06

Мені сьогодні прийшов лист:

Dear x3mEn,

you demonstrate the wonderful stability of running our tasks in SLinCA-project.

Could you, please, share with me and other users your experince in our forum

The matter is that other users have problems with zipping their results.

Best regards,

Так що там за проблема з Could not open ZIP_local file?
Мабуть що різниця в правах на доступ до того місця, куди по-змовчанню архівується файл.
В мене права Advanced User, тому проблем нема. IMHO.

Автор: SLinCA-Yuri Apr 22 2011, 18:39

(x3mEn @ Apr 22 2011, 14:06) *

Мені сьогодні прийшов лист:
Dear x3mEn,

you demonstrate the wonderful stability of running our tasks in SLinCA-project.

Could you, please, share with me and other users your experince in our forum

The matter is that other users have problems with zipping their results.

Best regards,

Так що там за проблема з Could not open ZIP_local file?
Мабуть що різниця в правах на доступ до того місця, куди по-змовчанню архівується файл.
В мене права Advanced User, тому проблем нема. IMHO.

Майже одночасно дійшли до того ж висновку.
У нас всіх Windows-машинах BOINC працює під екаунтом з правами адміна - тому ми це обмеження не помітили.
На Vista перевірили - імітували обмежені права і спробували виконати завдання - дійсно не виходить рахувати, якщо не має прав адміна.
Схоже на правду - дякуємо!

Якщо комусь вдасться подолати цю проблему на Windows 7 та інших версіях Windows - прохання повідомити про свій спосіб.

Автор: bellumm May 10 2011, 18:50

Маю також цю помилку. Закінчив два завдання
http://dg.imp.kiev.ua/slinca/result.php?resultid=286956 ).

Win XP SP3.

Працюю також з проектом AQUA@home, з яким ніяких проблем не маю.

Автор: Conan May 16 2011, 14:08

QUOTE(La frite @ Apr 19 2011, 03:55) *

Hi, I got this error on my computer:
Could not open ZIP_local file.



My Windows machines both have reported the same faults, whilst my Linux machines have reported no problems.

The Error message I am getting is "Incorrect Function" - Exit Code 1" and also "Could Not Open ZIP-Local File"

All recent work on http://dg.imp.kiev.ua/slinca/show_host_detail.php?hostid=503 and http://dg.imp.kiev.ua/slinca/show_host_detail.php?hostid=504 is failing with the above errors.


EDIT:-- As all my Windows work units continue to error out with the same errors, I will be setting them to NNW. The Linux machines are running fine.

Автор: re_SET May 17 2011, 12:17

(SLinCA-Yuri @ Apr 22 2011, 19:39) *

(x3mEn @ Apr 22 2011, 14:06) *

Мені сьогодні прийшов лист:
Dear x3mEn,

you demonstrate the wonderful stability of running our tasks in SLinCA-project.

Could you, please, share with me and other users your experince in our forum

The matter is that other users have problems with zipping their results.

Best regards,

Так що там за проблема з Could not open ZIP_local file?
Мабуть що різниця в правах на доступ до того місця, куди по-змовчанню архівується файл.
В мене права Advanced User, тому проблем нема. IMHO.

Майже одночасно дійшли до того ж висновку.
У нас всіх Windows-машинах BOINC працює під екаунтом з правами адміна - тому ми це обмеження не помітили.
На Vista перевірили - імітували обмежені права і спробували виконати завдання - дійсно не виходить рахувати, якщо не має прав адміна.
Схоже на правду - дякуємо!

Якщо комусь вдасться подолати цю проблему на Windows 7 та інших версіях Windows - прохання повідомити про свій спосіб.

Іще раз повторюся. У мене всі машини (а їх близько 20) працюють під обліковим записом адміністратора Windows. І тим не менше, проблема присутня на ВСІХ ПК, що працюють на платформі Windows (а це XP та WIN7)excl.gif ((((. Судячи з графіків використовуваних в проекті потужностей, ПРОБЛЕМА НЕ ВИРІШЕНА, відповідно нема ЧІТКИХ ІНСТРУКЦІЙ з її усунення ((, що є дуже сумно, оскільки проект у багатьох учасників Української команди (в тому числі і у мене) в пріоритеті.

Автор: x3mEn May 17 2011, 12:20

re_SET, машини, може, і працюють під обліковим записом адміна, питання в тому, під яким акаунтом в тебе на машинах запускається боїнк.

Автор: Tamagoch May 17 2011, 19:44

у меня владелец всех боинк-процессов - я, который в группе администраторов...
поставил еще доступ группам boinc_* но вроде бы моя инсталляция с ними не работает, хотя мало ли
посмотрю как следующие задания пройдут

Автор: SLinCA-Yuri May 18 2011, 07:40

For Ukrainian speaking visitors

darek, conan, bellumm, La frite, Tamagoch, re_SET, x3mEn - дуже дякую за наполегливість!
Наразі дуже зайнятий і не може приділити достатньо уваги цій проблемі.
Взагалі - у мене ВСІ завдання працюють
і (дещо сумно) не маю жодної іншої версії стосовно вирішення проблеми на інших Windows-машинах.
Якби завдання не працювали (точніше якби не архівувались! , бо завдання працюють всюди) у x3mEn ,
то була б зовсім інша справа.
Всеодно дякуємо за підтримку і намагання допомогти намexcl.gif
До речі, ми продовжуємо (приблизно раз на тиждень перераховувати кредіти за глючні завдання у 2-му розмірі)
спробуємо призначити спеціальні (приємні) сюрпризи для тих,
кому вдасться вирішити цю проблему і навчити інших.
Шановний x3mEn вже в цьому списку.

For English speaking visitors

darek, conan, bellumm, La frite, Tamagoch, re_SET, x3mEn - thank you very much for your persistence!
Currently I am very busy and can not devote enough attention to this problem.
Actually - all tasks work well on my PCs are
and (abd it is somewhat sadly) I do not have any other version to address the problem on other Windows-machines.
If the tasks were not working (ie if no archive "for the task are everywhere) on x3mEn's Windows-machines,
it would have been quite different.

Anyway we thank all of you for your support and efforts to help us
By the way, we try to recalculate (about once a week) DOUBLE credits for finished and invalid tasks
we will try to award special (pleasant) surprises for those
who will manage to solve this problem and teach others.
Dear x3mEn already in this list. thumbsup.gif

Good luck!

Автор: x3mEn May 18 2011, 08:17

взагалі-то слід подумати, що не так відбувається з цим самим архівуванням. Я бачив досить багато проектів, де саме через логи можна здогадатися, що перед відсилкою результату відбувається архівація файлів. Але я ніде не бачив, щоб перед цих блимало якесь чорне віконце. Ви знаєте про що я. Це зовнішній запуск архіватора. Я думаю, що саме через те, що ви використовуєте якийсь нестандартний метод архівації, ви маєте проблеми з пошуком архівів, помилку "Could not open ZIP_local file."

Подивіться, як реалізована архівація даних в інших проектах і скористайтесь їх досвідом.

Автор: SLinCA-Yuri May 18 2011, 10:19

(x3mEn @ May 18 2011, 09:17) *

взагалі-то слід подумати, що не так відбувається з цим самим архівуванням. Я бачив досить багато проектів, де саме через логи можна здогадатися, що перед відсилкою результату відбувається архівація файлів. Але я ніде не бачив, щоб перед цих блимало якесь чорне віконце. Ви знаєте про що я. Це зовнішній запуск архіватора. Я думаю, що саме через те, що ви використовуєте якийсь нестандартний метод архівації, ви маєте проблеми з пошуком архівів, помилку "Could not open ZIP_local file."

Подивіться, як реалізована архівація даних в інших проектах і скористайтесь їх досвідом.

Погоджуюсь (використання popup cmd вікно для системних викликів - це поганий стиль програмування)
- з рештою це була "калька" на windows способу архівування,
який ми зазвичай використовували (використовуємо) весь час в Linux.
Спробуємо це якось змінити іншими засобами.

Автор: nikelong May 18 2011, 11:34

Запустил на 3-х компьютерах проект снова, и на сутки оставил. В итоге ни одно из более 20-ти заданий не закончилось - "ошибка в процессе расчетов" sad.gif
Сюда ничего не привожу - все есть по нику "никелонг", там их пачка, с ошибками (((

Автор: re_SET May 18 2011, 13:21

(x3mEn @ May 17 2011, 13:20) *

re_SET, машини, може, і працюють під обліковим записом адміна, питання в тому, під яким акаунтом в тебе на машинах запускається боїнк.

Справа с тому, що BOINC Ставився під цим обліковим записом. І коли машина працює під обліковим адміна, то відповідно всі програми запускаються під адмінськими правами. Єдине, що деякі процеси може блокувати система захисту, але вона наразі відімкнена

Автор: Conan May 19 2011, 03:22

QUOTE(Conan @ May 16 2011, 22:08) *

QUOTE(La frite @ Apr 19 2011, 03:55) *

Hi, I got this error on my computer:
Could not open ZIP_local file.



My Windows machines both have reported the same faults, whilst my Linux machines have reported no problems.

The Error message I am getting is "Incorrect Function" - Exit Code 1" and also "Could Not Open ZIP-Local File"

All recent work on http://dg.imp.kiev.ua/slinca/show_host_detail.php?hostid=503 and http://dg.imp.kiev.ua/slinca/show_host_detail.php?hostid=504 is failing with the above errors.


EDIT:-- As all my Windows work units continue to error out with the same errors, I will be setting them to NNW. The Linux machines are running fine.

I have detached and then re-attached to the project on both my Windows XP computers but I am still getting the exact same errors.
The work units often run to completion (so lots of hours wasted) and then say that the "Output file xxxxxxxx.... is Absent" and then error out.

This is not affecting my Linux machines.

(If others have posted to try and help me on this problem, I thank you. I am unable to see what you have posted though as it all comes up in native language of this project which I am unable to read. The properties of the forum relies say "text=English, but they are not.


Автор: Death May 19 2011, 09:24

sorry buddy no solution yet.

Автор: Tamagoch May 21 2011, 04:53

я все-таки не буду считать Error'ы даже за двойные очки - это не спортивно и не научно
подожду пока проблема решится, хотя жаль что приходится, ибо заканчивается симап наконец-то и надо перекидывать куда-то вычислительные ресурсы

Автор: x3mEn May 25 2011, 09:12

От я видрав лог із завдання для RNA World

RNA World wrapper v0.04
wrapper: no checkpoint file found
wrapper: running unzip (-o *.zip)
wrapper: no checkpoint file found
wrapper: running unzip_cpufeat (cmsearch.zip)
wrapper: no checkpoint file found
wrapper: running cmsearch (--forecast 1 -T 0.0 --fil-T-hmm 0.0 --fil-T-qdb 0.0 RF00816_mir-245.cm Sorangium-cellulosum-So-ce-56_AM746676.cir.EMBL.fasta)
forecast.txt found.
wrapper: no checkpoint file found
wrapper: running cmsearch (-o cms_GA-p[SP-Lin64s]_Sorangium-cellulosum-So-ce-56_AM746676.cir.EMBL_RF00816_mir-245_1305810123_77616_0 -T 0.0 --fil-T-hmm 0.0 --fil-T-qdb 0.0 RF00816_mir-245.cm Sorangium-cellulosum-So-ce-56_AM746676.cir.EMBL.fasta)
forecast.txt found.
wrapper: windows. no checkpoint image
wrapper: no checkpoint file found
wrapper: running zip (-m out.zip cms_GA-p[SP-Lin64s]_Sorangium-cellulosum-So-ce-56_AM746676.cir.EMBL_RF00816_mir-245_1305810123_77616_0 cms_GA-p[SP-Lin64s]_Sorangium-cellulosum-So-ce-56_AM746676.cir.EMBL_RF00816_mir-245_1305810123_77616_1)
forecast.txt found.
09:21:30 (1988): called boinc_finish


і розархівація завдання і архвація результату відбувається через wrapper.

Автор: SLinCA-Yuri May 25 2011, 09:33

(x3mEn @ May 25 2011, 10:12) *

От я видрав лог із завдання для RNA World
RNA World wrapper v0.04
wrapper: no checkpoint file found
wrapper: running unzip (-o *.zip)
wrapper: no checkpoint file found
wrapper: running unzip_cpufeat (cmsearch.zip)
wrapper: no checkpoint file found
wrapper: running cmsearch (--forecast 1 -T 0.0 --fil-T-hmm 0.0 --fil-T-qdb 0.0 RF00816_mir-245.cm Sorangium-cellulosum-So-ce-56_AM746676.cir.EMBL.fasta)
forecast.txt found.
wrapper: no checkpoint file found
wrapper: running cmsearch (-o cms_GA-p[SP-Lin64s]_Sorangium-cellulosum-So-ce-56_AM746676.cir.EMBL_RF00816_mir-245_1305810123_77616_0 -T 0.0 --fil-T-hmm 0.0 --fil-T-qdb 0.0 RF00816_mir-245.cm Sorangium-cellulosum-So-ce-56_AM746676.cir.EMBL.fasta)
forecast.txt found.
wrapper: windows. no checkpoint image
wrapper: no checkpoint file found
wrapper: running zip (-m out.zip cms_GA-p[SP-Lin64s]_Sorangium-cellulosum-So-ce-56_AM746676.cir.EMBL_RF00816_mir-245_1305810123_77616_0 cms_GA-p[SP-Lin64s]_Sorangium-cellulosum-So-ce-56_AM746676.cir.EMBL_RF00816_mir-245_1305810123_77616_1)
forecast.txt found.
09:21:30 (1988): called boinc_finish


і розархівація завдання і архвація результату відбувається через wrapper.

Дякую, спробуємо скористатися цим досвідом!

Автор: JHAPA Jun 30 2011, 12:29

Hi all, any progress?
This Wus are damaged too...various WXPSP3 and W7_64_Ult


JHAPA [PrimeSearchTeam]

Автор: SLinCA-Yuri Jun 30 2011, 12:50

(JHAPA @ Jun 30 2011, 13:29) *

Hi all, any progress?
This Wus are damaged too...various WXPSP3 and W7_64_Ult


JHAPA [PrimeSearchTeam]


unfortunately no progress with stable ZIPping results for Windows tasks at the moment. sad.gif
Beg your pardon, because of vacation period and no time-resources for re-design of application. IR.gif
We will inform about progress in the news section of web-site, but NOT eaarlier than in August.

Thanks for your (and others') persistance and care!

Best regards,

Автор: JHAPA Jul 18 2011, 14:14

Thanks for information :-)

Автор: Conan Aug 9 2011, 03:32

Seems I am a bit early. I thought this problem may have been fixed but I just wasted a total of 68 hours on 6 work units but the error persists. I aborted 53 work units. Left the Linux ones as they are OK I believe.
IPB Image
I will wait some more, let you get over the holidays.


Автор: emik Aug 10 2011, 22:20


my wu are damaged too



I aborted rest of the wu

Best regards,
emik from BOINC@Poland team

Автор: Conan Dec 14 2011, 10:42

The "failed to Open ZIP Locale File" appears to be still with us.
I have just returned to the project to try and see if the Windows problems are fixed.
Alas they are not.
I have returned two results taking 80,000 seconds each (total over 44 hours) only to have them classed as failed due to this ZIP Locale file problem again.
I tried to find where this file is but am unable to find it.
There is nothing in the messages to say that the WU was faulty, it all processed successfully with no errors.
The stdr also shows no problem.
So is the problem just the Project is unable to ZIP the finished result when uploading?
Is there a certain ZIP programme that we should be using that will work?

I am using Windows XP 32 bit.

My linux machines do not have this issue so what are they using to ZIP their files?
Can't that be used on Windows instead?

I will have to abort a couple of dozen work units due to this problem on my Windows computers.


Автор: SLinCA-Yuri Dec 16 2011, 08:34

(Conan @ Dec 14 2011, 11:42) *

The "failed to Open ZIP Locale File" appears to be still with us.
I have just returned to the project to try and see if the Windows problems are fixed.
Alas they are not.
I have returned two results taking 80,000 seconds each (total over 44 hours) only to have them classed as failed due to this ZIP Locale file problem again.
I tried to find where this file is but am unable to find it.
There is nothing in the messages to say that the WU was faulty, it all processed successfully with no errors.
The stdr also shows no problem.
So is the problem just the Project is unable to ZIP the finished result when uploading?
Is there a certain ZIP programme that we should be using that will work?

I am using Windows XP 32 bit.

My linux machines do not have this issue so what are they using to ZIP their files?
Can't that be used on Windows instead?

I will have to abort a couple of dozen work units due to this problem on my Windows computers.


Hi, Conan,

thank you for your detailed analysis!
You are right - in Linux machies we have the more uniform ZIP-functionality among dfifferent machines.
We know about this instability of ZIP-functionality on some Windows systems and we will try to incorporate other code for zipping.

Best regards, yuri

Автор: xsedlacp Jan 8 2012, 10:10


I have the same problem on WinXP.


There is also problem with time counting. It shows run time around 11 hours, but this task takes more than 50 hours. I need to reboot my PC and information about time was lost.

Let us know when the problem with ZIPing is solved, otherwise I can't continue with crunching on this project.


Автор: Conan Feb 27 2012, 08:03

QUOTE(SLinCA-Yuri @ Dec 16 2011, 17:34) *

QUOTE(Conan @ Dec 14 2011, 11:42) *

The "failed to Open ZIP Locale File" appears to be still with us.
I have just returned to the project to try and see if the Windows problems are fixed.
Alas they are not.
I have returned two results taking 80,000 seconds each (total over 44 hours) only to have them classed as failed due to this ZIP Locale file problem again.
I tried to find where this file is but am unable to find it.
There is nothing in the messages to say that the WU was faulty, it all processed successfully with no errors.
The stdr also shows no problem.
So is the problem just the Project is unable to ZIP the finished result when uploading?
Is there a certain ZIP programme that we should be using that will work?

I am using Windows XP 32 bit.

My linux machines do not have this issue so what are they using to ZIP their files?
Can't that be used on Windows instead?

I will have to abort a couple of dozen work units due to this problem on my Windows computers.


Hi, Conan,

thank you for your detailed analysis!
You are right - in Linux machies we have the more uniform ZIP-functionality among dfifferent machines.
We know about this instability of ZIP-functionality on some Windows systems and we will try to incorporate other code for zipping.

Best regards, yuri

G'Day to the SLinCA Team,
Can you advise if the Windows File ZIP problems are still occuring or has it been fixed?
I would like to start doing some SLinCA work again but don't want to waste hours of processing time to have work units error out.



Автор: xsedlacp Feb 28 2012, 16:37

QUOTE(Conan @ Feb 27 2012, 07:03) *

G'Day to the SLinCA Team,
Can you advise if the Windows File ZIP problems are still occuring or has it been fixed?
I would like to start doing some SLinCA work again but don't want to waste hours of processing time to have work units error out.



I suppose the problem is still there, because the last version of application programs were installed on 23rd December and my task using this version failed.


Автор: Conan May 10 2012, 07:11

QUOTE(xsedlacp @ Feb 29 2012, 00:37) *

QUOTE(Conan @ Feb 27 2012, 07:03) *

G'Day to the SLinCA Team,
Can you advise if the Windows File ZIP problems are still occuring or has it been fixed?
I would like to start doing some SLinCA work again but don't want to waste hours of processing time to have work units error out.



I suppose the problem is still there, because the last version of application programs were installed on 23rd December and my task using this version failed.


Yes it is still there. I just ran a number of Windows work units on my XP machine and they all errored out with the same old error.

I have noticed that the volunteer 'Martin' has some Windows XP machines and they are returning successful results since the 9/5/12, what does his machines have in the way of ZIP files that mine don't?

What is the ZIP programme used in Windows 7 as it seems to work from the few I have seen?

Linux is still working away with no problems.


Автор: SLinCA-Yuri May 14 2012, 08:37

(Conan @ May 10 2012, 08:11) *

(xsedlacp @ Feb 29 2012, 00:37) *

(Conan @ Feb 27 2012, 07:03) *

G'Day to the SLinCA Team,
Can you advise if the Windows File ZIP problems are still occuring or has it been fixed?
I would like to start doing some SLinCA work again but don't want to waste hours of processing time to have work units error out.



I suppose the problem is still there, because the last version of application programs were installed on 23rd December and my task using this version failed.


Yes it is still there. I just ran a number of Windows work units on my XP machine and they all errored out with the same old error.

I have noticed that the volunteer 'Martin' has some Windows XP machines and they are returning successful results since the 9/5/12, what does his machines have in the way of ZIP files that mine don't?

What is the ZIP programme used in Windows 7 as it seems to work from the few I have seen?

Linux is still working away with no problems.


Dear Conan,

The short reply: I do not know, why some Windows XP machines (including my PCs) successfully crunch our tasks, and someone fail.
The long reply: during winter we tried several archiving regimes and they were not satisfactory for us,
that is why we would like to make adjustment after major upgrade during June and install them (after local testing) in July.

Thank you (and others, especially x3mEn + Szopler!) for your info again!

Best regards,

Автор: Yankton Sep 17 2012, 01:12

I have multiple work units that are also producing this error. Running windows 7 pro x64, and others on gentoo linux, also x64.

One example.


Автор: Conan Jan 30 2013, 13:52

Have tried again, but still failing on Windows XP 32 bit, lost around 50 hours of processing.

Same "Could not open ZIP file"

Did not mention this before but it appears that the application processes fine up to the point of returning the result.

Then it has trouble and generates errors with the "parse_init_data_file"

Such errors are "Unrecognised XML in parse_init_data_file: userid"
"Unrecognised XML in parse_init_data_file: teamid"
"Unrecognised XML in parse_init_data_file: hostid"
"Unrecognised XML in parse_init_data_file: result_name"
"Unrecognised XML in parse_init_data_file: start_elapsed_time"
"Unrecognised XML in parse_init_data_file: computation_deadline"

So is there more than just an issue with the ZIP file but with another file as well?



Автор: Ralfy Feb 6 2013, 22:43

(Conan @ Jan 30 2013, 12:52) *

Have tried again, but still failing on Windows XP 32 bit, lost around 50 hours of processing.

Same "Could not open ZIP file"

Did not mention this before but it appears that the application processes fine up to the point of returning the result.

Then it has trouble and generates errors with the "parse_init_data_file"

Such errors are "Unrecognised XML in parse_init_data_file: userid"
"Unrecognised XML in parse_init_data_file: teamid"
"Unrecognised XML in parse_init_data_file: hostid"
"Unrecognised XML in parse_init_data_file: result_name"
"Unrecognised XML in parse_init_data_file: start_elapsed_time"
"Unrecognised XML in parse_init_data_file: computation_deadline"

So is there more than just an issue with the ZIP file but with another file as well?



Same issue here on all attached boxes. (W7, 2008, XP, 32 or 64 Bit)

Автор: zombie67 Feb 18 2013, 03:30

The windows application should be depreciated (removed) until this is fixed. Wasting unsuspecting volunteers time and resources is not acceptable.

Автор: Rilian Feb 18 2013, 09:58

Ok, i have written email to Yuri, hope he will read it.

Автор: skgiven Feb 23 2013, 01:37

Did Yuri use a compiler to look for read-only memory locations?

SIGSEGV: segmentation violation

шукати тільки для читання комірок пам'яті?

Автор: skgiven Feb 23 2013, 10:33

(skgiven @ Feb 23 2013, 01:37) *

Did Yuri use a compiler to look for read-only memory locations?

SIGSEGV: segmentation violation

шукати тільки для читання комірок пам'яті?

Changed Security permissions of the Boinc directory and had a task validate.
Probably specific to Dotsch, though I've seen similar issues with Kubuntu at other projects.

I expect that this security requirement is the same with Windows; your account needs to be able to read, write, change and create folders and files.
Maybe in Win installing Boinc and not selecting all users or daemon/service install, then taking ownership of the Boinc directories would do the trick.

Автор: archeye* Feb 24 2013, 10:15

I have completed my first WUs of the project and had this error. I do not plan to do anymore at this time.

OS = Vista 32

On the point about ownership and permissions I do understand that sometimes you need to change permissions to allow you same permissions as System but I do not think this is the case here. There must be another issue.

I am a member of over 50 projects and this is the only one that fails in this way.

So I read an earlier post where the project say they check on failed WUs and will give credit if they have failed in the way described through this Topic.

I will wait to see if I receive any credit it will to me be an indication that what is going on is at least being monitored by project staff and then I will start to check in with the Forum again to follow the progress for resolving this problem.


Автор: Patrick Harnett* Mar 1 2013, 05:35

I thought I would have another go at this project. All WUs failed after varying times and wasted a bit over 100 hours of CPU.

Автор: Conan Mar 3 2013, 14:20

QUOTE(SLinCA-Yuri @ May 18 2011, 15:40) *

For Ukrainian speaking visitors

darek, conan, bellumm, La frite, Tamagoch, re_SET, x3mEn - дуже дякую за наполегливість!
Наразі дуже зайнятий і не може приділити достатньо уваги цій проблемі.
Взагалі - у мене ВСІ завдання працюють
і (дещо сумно) не маю жодної іншої версії стосовно вирішення проблеми на інших Windows-машинах.
Якби завдання не працювали (точніше якби не архівувались! , бо завдання працюють всюди) у x3mEn ,
то була б зовсім інша справа.
Всеодно дякуємо за підтримку і намагання допомогти намexcl.gif
До речі, ми продовжуємо (приблизно раз на тиждень перераховувати кредіти за глючні завдання у 2-му розмірі)
спробуємо призначити спеціальні (приємні) сюрпризи для тих,
кому вдасться вирішити цю проблему і навчити інших.
Шановний x3mEn вже в цьому списку.

For English speaking visitors

darek, conan, bellumm, La frite, Tamagoch, re_SET, x3mEn - thank you very much for your persistence!
Currently I am very busy and can not devote enough attention to this problem.
Actually - all tasks work well on my PCs are
and (abd it is somewhat sadly) I do not have any other version to address the problem on other Windows-machines.
If the tasks were not working (ie if no archive "for the task are everywhere) on x3mEn's Windows-machines,
it would have been quite different.

Anyway we thank all of you for your support and efforts to help us
By the way, we try to recalculate (about once a week) DOUBLE credits for finished and invalid tasks
we will try to award special (pleasant) surprises for those
who will manage to solve this problem and teach others.
Dear x3mEn already in this list. thumbsup.gif

Good luck!

Just wondering if you are still honouring the above, where you say that you try to recalculate (about once a week) DOUBLE credits for finished and invalid tasks ????

I have not seen any credits given for all my Windows failed work units, ever, dispite a lot of hours processing. They process correctly up to the point of being sent back to the project and can't be zipped correctly, so do I still get credit for this as you say ???

I have today also added another Zip programme to my Windows computers to see if the zipping will work, just waiting for a WU to finish.


Автор: archeye* Mar 5 2013, 12:58

All projects rely on the good will of individuals to offer their computing resources for these distributed computing projects.

When it seems like there is no interest from project staff to address project problems or our concerns then perhaps there should be no interest from us in the crunching community to support your project.


Автор: Rilian Mar 5 2013, 13:03

archeye*, Conan, Patrick Harnett*, skgiven, zombie67,

I have written an email to Yuriy but he seems not replying

I will try to contact him by phone or somehow else

Thank you for your support!

This is actually the only one "active" DC project from our country, but in Ukraine scientists do not get grants so everything is done on enthusiasm. Probably Yuriy is busy with other scientific things at this moment ...

Автор: Patrick Harnett* Mar 14 2013, 06:03

I must be a sucker for punishment - testing one more WU on each of seven different machines to see if they all error or if one works. If so, then I can try to work out what is different.

Автор: Dirk Broer Mar 17 2013, 02:43

QUOTE(La frite @ Apr 18 2011, 18:55) *

Hi, I got this error on my computer:
Could not open ZIP_local file.



The same here. I decided to change the extention of the file out_data.zip to out_data.txt and was able to open that with wordpad! facepalm.gif
It contained just a sentence, not a file as it should. The zip file is not a valid zip file, no zip-er can open a txt file.
I made a new out_data.zip, containg the out_dat.txt but after 28 hours was rewarded with a computation error.
The faulty zip had been re-created and could not be opened (of course) vis.gif

Автор: Conan Mar 29 2013, 01:29

QUOTE(Conan @ Mar 3 2013, 22:20) *

QUOTE(SLinCA-Yuri @ May 18 2011, 15:40) *

For Ukrainian speaking visitors

darek, conan, bellumm, La frite, Tamagoch, re_SET, x3mEn - дуже дякую за наполегливість!
Наразі дуже зайнятий і не може приділити достатньо уваги цій проблемі.
Взагалі - у мене ВСІ завдання працюють
і (дещо сумно) не маю жодної іншої версії стосовно вирішення проблеми на інших Windows-машинах.
Якби завдання не працювали (точніше якби не архівувались! , бо завдання працюють всюди) у x3mEn ,
то була б зовсім інша справа.
Всеодно дякуємо за підтримку і намагання допомогти намexcl.gif
До речі, ми продовжуємо (приблизно раз на тиждень перераховувати кредіти за глючні завдання у 2-му розмірі)
спробуємо призначити спеціальні (приємні) сюрпризи для тих,
кому вдасться вирішити цю проблему і навчити інших.
Шановний x3mEn вже в цьому списку.

For English speaking visitors

darek, conan, bellumm, La frite, Tamagoch, re_SET, x3mEn - thank you very much for your persistence!
Currently I am very busy and can not devote enough attention to this problem.
Actually - all tasks work well on my PCs are
and (abd it is somewhat sadly) I do not have any other version to address the problem on other Windows-machines.
If the tasks were not working (ie if no archive "for the task are everywhere) on x3mEn's Windows-machines,
it would have been quite different.

Anyway we thank all of you for your support and efforts to help us
By the way, we try to recalculate (about once a week) DOUBLE credits for finished and invalid tasks
we will try to award special (pleasant) surprises for those
who will manage to solve this problem and teach others.
Dear x3mEn already in this list. thumbsup.gif

Good luck!

Just wondering if you are still honouring the above, where you say that you try to recalculate (about once a week) DOUBLE credits for finished and invalid tasks ????

I have not seen any credits given for all my Windows failed work units, ever, dispite a lot of hours processing. They process correctly up to the point of being sent back to the project and can't be zipped correctly, so do I still get credit for this as you say ???

I have today also added another Zip programme to my Windows computers to see if the zipping will work, just waiting for a WU to finish.


Just adding that the last time the recalculation was done and double credits given was in MAY 2011, almost 2 YEARS ago.
I think honouring that promise (from may 2011) will go along way in keeping crunchers at this project.
The work units are not faulty, they just don't get zipped correctly before being sent back.


Автор: LSA Mar 29 2013, 05:29

Total credit 509
Windows cranch - don't happy for me.

Автор: Conan Apr 9 2013, 00:11

Thanks to the work of fellow volunteer Ananas, we now have a work around solution for the people who can't get Windows work units to complete successfully with the "Can't open Zip Local File" error.

Using any compiled zip.exe from the http://www.willus.com/archive/zip64/ into a folder and extract it (the Win binaries package).
Copy the extracted zip.exe file to the WINDOWS folder/directory. This adds the zip fuction to the computers PATH statement, as Windows already is in the PATH you don't have to do anything else. No reboot required.
That is all there is to it.

Ananas has had heaps of successful work units and now I have my first successful work units credited with points since May 2011.

(You could probably use any zip executable but this one we know works.)

(Still no word on the recalculated points for past Windows work units)


Автор: Patrick Harnett* May 1 2013, 21:26

QUOTE(Conan @ Apr 9 2013, 00:11) *

Thanks to the work of fellow volunteer Ananas, we now have a work around solution for the people who can't get Windows work units to complete successfully with the "Can't open Zip Local File" error.

Using any compiled zip.exe from the http://www.willus.com/archive/zip64/ into a folder and extract it (the Win binaries package).
Copy the extracted zip.exe file to the WINDOWS folder/directory. This adds the zip fuction to the computers PATH statement, as Windows already is in the PATH you don't have to do anything else. No reboot required.
That is all there is to it.

Agreed - been testing the last week and have some credits. Brining up another box on this to see if I can get some decent points smile.gif

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