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Розподілені обчислення в Україні _ Завершені проекти WCG _ Africanclimate@home, Phase 1 [completed]

Автор: Rilian Oct 4 2007, 12:54

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Проект "AfricanClimate@Home"


[url=]Официальная статистика по команде "Ukraine"[/url]

ТОП-20 участников:

Дата основания команды - Дата Капитан - Капитан
http://distributed.org.ua/forum/index.php?showtopic=890 thumbsup.gif

О проекте:
Проект по изучению климата Африки. Основная цель проекта - разработка более точных климатических моделей для различных регионов Африки.

The mission of AfricanClimate@Home is to develop more accurate climate models of specific regions in Africa. This will serve as a basis for understanding how the climate will change in the future so that measures designed to alleviate the adverse effects of climate change can be implemented. World Community Grid's tremendous computing power will be used to understand and reduce the uncertainty with which climate processes are simulated over Africa.

Global climate change is currently recognized as one of the most pressing problems facing the world community. The negative impacts of global climate change are of great concern in all areas of the world. However, it is widely recognized that the impacts will be felt most acutely in underdeveloped countries, where the infrastructure and access to appropriate healthcare and other social services, which are critical to alleviating and responding to the effects of climate changes, is often lacking.

In this regard, Africa, a continent vulnerable to climate-related stresses, faces severe challenges. The multiple effects of a variable climate within Africa are clearly demonstrated by the widespread floods in Mozambique in 2000 and 2001, which left more than half a million people homeless and killed hundreds, as well as the poor rains experienced over much of southern Africa in recent years that have contributed to pervasive food shortages. It is currently unclear how the frequency of climate extremes will change in the future, but if left unchecked, Africa's current social problems could be exacerbated, leading to even greater devastation and loss of life.

Phase 1 of African Climate@Home has ended (July, 2008). The scientist for this project are anaylzing the results to prepare for Phase 2 of the project.


Автор: Arbalet Oct 5 2007, 14:44

Нет, спасибо, сыты климатом по самое горло! smile.gif

Автор: KoDAk Jan 15 2008, 00:38

Основная цель проекта - разработка более точных климатических моделей для различных регионов Африки.

Автор: Rilian Jul 9 2008, 21:07

Проект завершен

Автор: nikelong Jul 9 2008, 21:40

Сорри, я в ВКГ не силен:

есть отдельная статистика по командам именно в этом проекте?
И если есть то на каком мы месте?

Автор: Rilian Jul 9 2008, 22:01

(nikelong @ Jul 9 2008, 09:40 PM) *

Сорри, я в ВКГ не силен:

есть отдельная статистика по командам именно в этом проекте?
И если есть то на каком мы месте?

В ВЦГ нету статистики по командам по проектам

Автор: Rilian Aug 19 2008, 20:33

Phase 1 of African Climate@Home has ended (July, 2008). The scientist for this project are anaylzing the results to prepare for Phase 2 of the project.

Первая фаза проекта завершена в Июле 2008. В данное время ученые изучают результаты для подготовки к запуску второй фазы исследований

Автор: Rilian Dec 21 2008, 04:29

Hi Everybody,

We received our last results from the WU of this phase of the project. Now we have a lot of processing analysis and to do. The University of Cape Town team would like to thank everybody who donated their computers to this research and to the people who really tried but couldn't get a WU too (sorry about that).
The results for this phase will help us to design the experiments to the future phase of AC@H and we will definitely work on ways of producing many many WU's (and lighter ones too) so everybody can be a part of this exciting project.

See you all soon, Igor Oliveira

Jun 27, 2008

как видно из http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/forums/wcg/viewthread?thread=21063 следующая фаза проекта начнется примерно во втором квартале 2009 года

Автор: Rilian Aug 23 2009, 14:34

вторую фазу AC@H планируют запустить в 1 квартале 2010

Автор: Rilian Oct 3 2009, 00:25

We had a telecon with the AC@H scientists last week to find out where they stand on analysing phase 1 and providing us with phase 2 input. They promised to provide an update in a few weeks. We'll follow up on that and make sure it's posted in the AC@H forum. Thanks for asking about AC@H!!

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