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Розподілені обчислення в Україні _ RC5 _ Percent Complete

Автор: Paul B.Atton Feb 23 2006, 20:07

Невеличкі сходинкі у проекті. Літопис rtfm.gif

Feb 23 2006 Percent Complete: 0.300%
Dec 23 2008 Percent Complete: 0.550%
Jan 04 2009 Percent Complete: 0.555%
Feb 04 2009 Percent Complete: 0.567%
Mar 04 2009 Percent Complete: 0.580%
Apr 04 2009 Percent Complete: 0.593%
May 04 2009 Percent Complete: 0.600%
July 15 2009 Percent Complete: 0.633%
Aug 29 2009 Percent Complete: 0.650%
Mar 15 2010 Percent Complete: 0.733%
Nov 27 2010 Percent Complete: 1.210%
Dec 12 2010 Percent Complete: 1.250%
Nov 23 2011 Percent Complete: 2.001%
May 11 2012 Percent Complete: 2.350%
May 1 2024 Percent Complete: 11.902%
Jul 12 2024 Percent Complete: 12.293%

Автор: Tamagoch Feb 23 2006, 21:21

Але, нажаль, загальна швидкість не збільшується.
Процесори стають швидшими, а кількість їх спадає sad.gif

Автор: Paul B.Atton Dec 23 2008, 21:55

Percent Complete: 0.550%

Автор: Death Dec 23 2008, 21:55

Проект РЦ5-72 за прогнозами закінчується у лютому 2109.
Допоможіть команді зайняти гідне місце!

Автор: nikelong Dec 23 2008, 22:04

Еще 100 лет считать?

Автор: ReMMeR Dec 24 2008, 00:41

все на флешмоб ?

Автор: vano Dec 24 2008, 19:39

Ніякий флешмоб не допоможе. Допоможе тільки Intel, коли зробить SDK для своїх інтегрованих відео-ядер, за допомогою якого можна буде зробити щось схоже на те, що зараз робиться для відеокарт NVIDIA (CUDA-ядра)... Щоб будь-який сучасний офісний компьютер обраховував ключів в 10 разів більше, ніж Core2Duo 2 Ггц. laugh.gif

(ReMMeR @ Dec 24 2008, 00:41) *

все на флешмоб ?

Автор: Paul B.Atton Dec 26 2008, 19:58

Rilian, smile.gif
Але десь тут проскакував прогноз, згідно з яким виходить, що на той момент (2050) вже буде рахуватися як мінімум RC5-80 або й RC5-88. Якщо не більше. smile.gif І це без врахування росту обчислювальних потужностей. wink.gif

Автор: Tamagoch Dec 28 2008, 07:39

смотря на то, как CUDA-клиент жует и выплевывает RC5-блоки, могу сказать, что хорошее стадо таких "стероидных коров" очень сильно приблизит дату нахождения ключа, так что совсем уж забрасывать проект не стоит.... надеюсь, будет более стабильная по времени работы бета или "релиз бандидат", я уже тестирую видеокарты этим клиентом - его не надо "разворачивать" как боинк и не надо грузить задания на 10 часов... эти по 10 секунд делаются wink.gif

Автор: Paul B.Atton Jan 4 2009, 20:01

Хе-хе... smile.gif
Percent Complete: 0.555%

Автор: Rilian Jan 4 2009, 20:14

0.2% за 3 года...

думаю СЕТИ вас обгонит smile.gif

Автор: egorio Jan 4 2009, 21:05

Не обгонит, если не выпустит клиент, считающий в 5-10 раз быстрее текущего wink.gif

Немного видоизменил шапку. Буду добавлять данные каждый месяц, четвертого числа.

Автор: Paul B.Atton Jan 5 2009, 10:19

І не забувайте, що чимало потужностей зараз рахують ОГР-26...

Автор: egorio Feb 4 2009, 20:32

Percent Complete: 0.567%

Неплохо идем smile.gif

Автор: Paul B.Atton Aug 30 2009, 18:10

Percent Complete: 0.650%

Автор: Paul B.Atton Jan 25 2010, 20:33

Percent Complete: 0.710%

Автор: Paul B.Atton Apr 1 2010, 17:58

Percent Complete: 0.745%

Автор: Paul B.Atton Apr 11 2010, 17:41

Percent Complete: 0.755%

Автор: Alexis Kravtchenko Sep 3 2010, 08:41

Вау excl.gif

Percent Complete: 1.009%
Time Working: 2,831 days

Автор: Paul B.Atton Sep 3 2010, 09:49

The odds are 1 in 47,975 that we will wrap this thing
up in the next 24 hours. (This also means that we'll
hit 100% in 47,975 days at yesterday's rate.)

Автор: Paul B.Atton Nov 27 2010, 13:04

Aggregate Statistics

Total Blocks to Search: 1,099,511,627,776
Total Blocks Tested: 13,306,237,801
Overall Rate: 53 Blocks/sec
Total Keys to Search: 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696
Total Keys Tested: 57,149,856,188,093,956,096
Overall Rate: 226,836,992,059 Keys/sec
Percent Complete: 1.210%
Time Working: 2,916 days

The odds are 1 in 152,664 that we will wrap this thing
up in the next 24 hours. (This also means that we'll
hit 100% in 152,664 days at yesterday's rate.)

Автор: Paul B.Atton Dec 12 2010, 10:43

Aggregate Statistics
Total Blocks to Search: 1,099,511,627,776
Total Blocks Tested: 13,741,247,925
Overall Rate: 54 Blocks/sec
Total Keys to Search: 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696
Total Keys Tested: 59,018,210,444,102,860,800
Overall Rate: 233,053,954,077 Keys/sec
Percent Complete: 1.250%
Time Working: 2,931 days

Current Information

29,424,993 Blocks were completed yesterday (0.002676% of the keyspace)(0.002710% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 341 Blocks/sec.

126,379,382,620,028,928 Keys were completed yesterday (0.002676% of the keyspace)(0.002710% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 1,462,724,335,880 Keys/sec.

The odds are 1 in 36,900 that we will wrap this thing
up in the next 24 hours. (This also means that we'll
hit 100% in 36,900 days at yesterday's rate.)

There have been 85,128 participants
since the beginning of this project.
3,469 of them were active yesterday
and of those, 19 were brand-new participants.

There are 4,928 registered teams.
508 of them submitted work units yesterday.
(0 of them are brand new!)

Автор: Paul B.Atton Jan 3 2011, 00:41

Aggregate Statistics
Total Blocks to Search: 1,099,511,627,776
Total Blocks Tested: 14,424,191,371
Overall Rate: 57 Blocks/sec
Total Keys to Search: 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696
Total Keys Tested: 61,951,430,209,690,402,816
Overall Rate: 242,896,491,274 Keys/sec
Percent Complete: 1.312%
Time Working: 2,952 days

Current Information

51,786,736 Blocks were completed yesterday (0.004710% of the keyspace)(0.004772% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 599 Blocks/sec.

222,422,337,486,585,856 Keys were completed yesterday (0.004710% of the keyspace)(0.004772% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 2,574,332,609,798 Keys/sec.

The odds are 1 in 20,953 that we will wrap this thing
up in the next 24 hours. (This also means that we'll
hit 100% in 20,953 days at yesterday's rate.)

There have been 85,481 participants
since the beginning of this project.
3,260 of them were active yesterday
and of those, 14 were brand-new participants.

There are 4,928 registered teams.
474 of them submitted work units yesterday.
(0 of them are brand new!)

Автор: Paul B.Atton Nov 23 2011, 01:44

Aggregate Statistics
Total Blocks to Search: 1,099,511,627,776
Total Blocks Tested: 22,001,965,885
Overall Rate: 78 Blocks/sec
Total Keys to Search: 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696
Total Keys Tested: 94,497,723,923,782,696,960
Overall Rate: 333,859,480,014 Keys/sec
Percent Complete: 2.001%
Time Working: 3,276 days

Current Information

22,104,012 Blocks were completed yesterday (0.002010% of the keyspace)(0.002051% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 256 Blocks/sec.

94,936,008,650,391,552 Keys were completed yesterday (0.002010% of the keyspace)(0.002051% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 1,098,796,396,417 Keys/sec.

The odds are 1 in 48,747 that we will wrap this thing
up in the next 24 hours. (This also means that we'll
hit 100% in 48,747 days at yesterday's rate.)

There have been 89,815 participants
since the beginning of this project.
2,416 of them were active yesterday
and of those, 10 were brand-new participants.

There are 4,945 registered teams.
455 of them submitted work units yesterday.
(0 of them are brand new!)

Автор: nikelong Nov 24 2011, 01:45

Форматирование по центру - говно.

Автор: Death Nov 24 2011, 10:23

Andrew Hime <@verizon.net>

On August 26th, 2010, distributed.net's RC5-72 effort reached 1% completion - an effort that took 2824 days, approximately 7.7 years. At the time, I did some quick math and predicted that we would reach 2% completion by February 4th, 2012.

We got there last night, November 21st. A workload that I figured to take 1.4 years took approximately 1.2.

It took 3276 days to do 1% of the RC5-72 keyspace - a time of almost 9 years. At the current keyrate, we will complete 100% of the keyspace in
136.5 years. At the current keyrate, we will reach 3% completion in approximately 1.4 years, or around April 10th, 2013.

I did some rough math (back of napkin kind of stuff). Assuming that the keyrate doubles approximately every 18 months (which, ignoring the introduction of the Stream client, still seems valid), we will reach 100% completion within 9.3 years.

So, somewhere between 9 and 137 years to go. Given the lag time after
OGR-27 completes (somewhere between 1.5-4.5 years from now) and before the next OGR project starts, those numbers are likely on the high side.


I've maintained the formatting from my previous post on this subject, now some commentary:

About the Stream clents - Windows Stream has been the #1 client for quite a while now. A few months back, they accounted for more than half the total workload ever done. A few days ago, they accounted for double the workload of the #2 platform - Windows x86.

There are now 64-bit cores available for RC5. While they are not as marked an improvement in speed as OGR, one no longer has to choose projects based on "bitness", and they do provide a small speed increase over 32-bit. When people argue against doing a 64-bit version of a program, I enjoy having something to point to that shows there are benefits other than memory addressing (not to mention SSE2 and the like).

The growing prevalence of real GPUs (not Intel's solution) and of multicore computing has made solving these problems very viable. Just by way of example, my work computer (yay working!) was recently upgraded from some horrible Pentium D/Pentium 4 thing to a Core i5 running at 3.3 Ghz. With 4 cores, it processes OGR at approximately 230 Mnodes/s - a score not much lower than my Core i7-920 (2.6 Ghz) at home. And the i5 is only running 32 bit Windows XP. So things are definitely looking up.

Goals we should probably start working on now:

Short term:
upgrading 32-bit clients to 64-bit - with the increased speeds and the fact that most every shipping computer is running 64-bit OS, I'm surprised that the 64-bit clients are not gaining on 32-bit faster

Long term:
Given the institutional slowness d.net is well-known for, we should probably start talking NOW about what projects will come after RC5-72 and OGR-27... and also start work on a v3 client, which appears to have long ago been abandoned. The primary feature I'd be looking for is better granularity of stats (another abandoned project). Given the prevalence of broadband and the low overhead cost, the data being shipped back to d.net should probably be reporting back more information, like client configuration (ie processor type and speed and such). I had a laptop stolen a few years back and inquired about dnetc phoning home. I received a response that an old client had phoned home.
When I inquired further, I was met with stony silence, which is par for the course. (Of course, these features could be made opt-in or opt-out with a warning on initial configuration.) Another feature that is sorely
needed: buffer file combination/flexibility. I have to fetch/flush by mail at work, and having to juggle these files is really nonsensical, among other things.

See you at 3%!


Old predictions:

Approximate completion of OGR-27: 2014-2018 Approximate completion of RC5-72: 2021-2152

Current predictions:

OGR-27: 2013-2016
RC5-72: 2020-2148
rc5 mailing list

Автор: Rilian May 11 2012, 14:07

Aggregate Statistics
Total Blocks to Search: 1,099,511,627,776
Total Blocks Tested: 25,836,340,616
Overall Rate: 87 Blocks/sec
Total Keys to Search: 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696
Total Keys Tested: 110,966,237,994,036,494,336
Overall Rate: 372,593,982,670 Keys/sec
Percent Complete: 2.350%
Time Working: 3,447 days

Автор: Death May 11 2012, 14:23

бесполезность этого проекта наводит на меня ужас

примерно как в 18 лет понимаешь что папа не нужен

Автор: Rilian May 11 2012, 14:39

Death, угу. уже би інопланетян давно нашлі

Автор: egorio May 11 2012, 15:04

Она та же полезна, как и все другие проекты icon_trollface.png

Автор: Rilian May 11 2012, 15:51

QUOTE(egorio @ May 11 2012, 16:04) *

Она та же полезна, как и все другие проекты icon_trollface.png

ну-ка покажи список публикаций проекта RC5, хотя бы немного похожий на http://folding.stanford.edu/English/Papers или http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/research/research.do?filterCategory=3_0&filterTags=11&filterTags=14&sortBy=&pageNum=1

Автор: Death May 14 2012, 10:18

Finishing up RC5-72 recycling
Filed under: Uncategorized — bovine @ 15:23 UTC
Although Earth Day was a couple of weeks ago, we’ve been diligently “recycling” RC5-72 blocks (ie: re-distributing previously issued but unreturned work assignments) since last November. We realize that distributing these old blocks has been inconvenient for some of our users because the fragments are much smaller, causing more network and slightly lower keyrates, and we have appreciated everyone’s patience and understanding. Fortunately, we are very close to resuming work on fresh RC5-72 subspaces and will be able to send out larger, unfragmented blocks within the next day or so!

Keep on crunching!

Автор: Paul B.Atton Aug 26 2012, 19:28

Aggregate Statistics

Total Blocks to Search: 1,099,511,627,776
Total Blocks Tested: 27,601,829,045
Overall Rate: 90 Blocks/sec
Total Keys to Search: 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696
Total Keys Tested: 118,548,953,058,057,912,320
Overall Rate: 386,070,445,723 Keys/sec
Percent Complete: 2.510%
Time Working: 3,554 days

Автор: Rilian Sep 15 2012, 11:16

Current Information

13,048,478 Blocks were completed yesterday (0.001187% of the keyspace)(0.001218% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 151 Blocks/sec.

56,042,786,272,575,488 Keys were completed yesterday (0.001187% of the keyspace)(0.001218% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 648,643,359,636 Keys/sec.

The odds are 1 in 82,127 that we will wrap this thing
up in the next 24 hours. (This also means that we'll
hit 100% in 82,127 days at yesterday's rate.)

There have been 91,912 participants
since the beginning of this project.
1,882 of them were active yesterday
and of those, 10 were brand-new participants.

There are 4,955 registered teams.
360 of them submitted work units yesterday.
(0 of them are brand new!)

Автор: Rilian Sep 16 2012, 11:59

13,287,963 Blocks were completed yesterday (0.001209% of the keyspace)(0.001240% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 154 Blocks/sec.

57,071,366,515,458,048 Keys were completed yesterday (0.001209% of the keyspace)(0.001240% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 660,548,223,559 Keys/sec.

The odds are 1 in 80,646 that we will wrap this thing
up in the next 24 hours. (This also means that we'll
hit 100% in 80,646 days at yesterday's rate.)

There have been 91,916 participants
since the beginning of this project.
1,788 of them were active yesterday
and of those, 4 were brand-new participants.

There are 4,955 registered teams.
344 of them submitted work units yesterday.
(0 of them are brand new!)

Автор: Rilian Sep 18 2012, 22:58

12,787,950 Blocks were completed yesterday (0.001163% of the keyspace)(0.001193% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 148 Blocks/sec.

54,923,827,032,883,200 Keys were completed yesterday (0.001163% of the keyspace)(0.001193% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 635,692,442,510 Keys/sec.

The odds are 1 in 83,797 that we will wrap this thing
up in the next 24 hours. (This also means that we'll
hit 100% in 83,797 days at yesterday's rate.)

There have been 91,924 participants
since the beginning of this project.
1,924 of them were active yesterday
and of those, 3 were brand-new participants.

There are 4,955 registered teams.
367 of them submitted work units yesterday.
(0 of them are brand new!)

короче как видно проект завершится примерно через 230 лет

Автор: A1ex01 Sep 18 2012, 23:13

ты не шариш icon_trollface.png
тут клиент прикольный facepalm.gif

Автор: Rilian Sep 18 2012, 23:17

QUOTE(A1ex01 @ Sep 19 2012, 00:13) *

ты не шариш icon_trollface.png
тут клиент прикольный facepalm.gif

Keep facepalm.gif ing smile.gif

жжошь )

Автор: Paul B.Atton Oct 17 2012, 21:27

Звісно ж прикольний! Для запуску досить лише двох файлів. Незалежно від платформи.

Автор: Paul B.Atton Jan 1 2013, 19:17

Aggregate Statistics Total Blocks to Search: 1,099,511,627,776
Total Blocks Tested: 29,366,831,175
Overall Rate: 92 Blocks/sec
Total Keys to Search: 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696
Total Keys Tested: 126,129,579,483,778,252,800
Overall Rate: 396,478,298,717 Keys/sec
Percent Complete: 2.671%
Time Working: 3,682 days

Progress Meters

Current Information

23,893,501 Blocks were completed yesterday (0.002173% of the keyspace)(0.002233% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 277 Blocks/sec.

102,621,805,381,943,296 Keys were completed yesterday (0.002173% of the keyspace)(0.002233% of the remaining keyspace)
at a sustained rate of 1,187,752,377,106 Keys/sec.

The odds are 1 in 44,788 that we will wrap this thing
up in the next 24 hours. (This also means that we'll
hit 100% in 44,788 days at yesterday's rate.)

There have been 92,358 participants
since the beginning of this project.
1,746 of them were active yesterday
and of those, 2 were brand-new participants.

There are 4,959 registered teams.
335 of them submitted work units yesterday.
(0 of them are brand new!)

Автор: Alexis Kravtchenko Apr 15 2013, 19:45

Percent Complete: 2.800%
Time Working: 3,786 days

Автор: Paul B.Atton Jul 24 2013, 22:48

Percent Complete: 2.902%
Time Working: 3,886 days

Автор: Rilian Nov 28 2013, 17:05

Percent Complete: 3.031%

we'll hit 100% in 100,967 days at yesterday's rate.


Автор: astronom2003 Nov 28 2013, 18:40

(Rilian @ Nov 28 2013, 17:05) *

Percent Complete: 3.031%

we'll hit 100% in 100,967 days at yesterday's rate.


Это шо, проект завершится через 270 с копейками лет? blink.gif
А смысл его считать?

Автор: Paul B.Atton Jan 1 2014, 23:01

(astronom2003 @ Nov 28 2013, 18:40) *
Это шо, проект завершится через 270 с копейками лет? blink.gif
А смысл его считать?

Якщо прогрес зупиниться і розвиток компів не буде нарощувати їх обчислювальну потужність, то проект дійсно закінчиться через років 270. Але ж за такий час потужніть процесора напевне зросте набагато.
Сенс рахувати?.. Мабуть, більше за звичкою. Ну, і для підтримки іміджу команди. prapor.gif

Автор: Paul B.Atton Sep 27 2014, 00:05

Percent Complete: 3.321%
Time Working: 4,315 days

Автор: Paul B.Atton Nov 29 2014, 23:19

Percent Complete: 3.395%
Time Working: 4,379 days

Автор: Paul B.Atton Feb 8 2016, 17:32

Percent Complete: 3.914%
Time Working: 4,811 days

Автор: Paul B.Atton Jan 25 2024, 20:41

Aggregate Statistics

Total Blocks to Search: 1,099,511,627,776
Total Blocks Tested: 124,529,321,838
Overall Rate: 187 Blocks/sec
Total Keys to Search: 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696
Total Keys Tested: 534,849,364,687,268,610,048
Overall Rate: 801,552,008,981 Keys/sec
Percent Complete: 11.326%
Time Working: 7,723 days

Автор: Rilian Apr 30 2024, 23:14

Aggregate Statistics
Total Blocks to Search: 1,099,511,627,776
Total Blocks Tested: 130,862,318,246
Overall Rate: 194 Blocks/sec
Total Keys to Search: 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696
Total Keys Tested: 562,049,377,145,314,082,816
Overall Rate: 831,973,541,932 Keys/sec
Percent Complete: 11.902% = 0.576% за 3 місяці
Time Working: 7,819 days

Автор: Rilian Jul 12 2024, 18:21

Total Blocks to Search: 1,099,511,627,776
Total Blocks Tested: 135,168,331,903
Overall Rate: 198 Blocks/sec
Total Keys to Search: 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696
Total Keys Tested: 580,543,564,978,258,444,288
Overall Rate: 851,400,687,314 Keys/sec
Percent Complete: 12.293% = 0.391% за 70 днів
Time Working: 7,892 days

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