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Розподілені обчислення в Україні _ Mindmodeling _ Mindmodeling@home (beta)

Автор: KoDAk May 9 2008, 22:29

IPB Image

Проект "MindModeling@Home (Beta)"


ТОП-20 участников:
IPB Image
Дата основания команды - 21.03.2008 Капитан - uNiUs
Для присоединения к команде Украины:
1. Загрузите http://boinc.berkeley.edu/download.php (Если его у Вас еще нет!)
2. Перейдите в "расширенный вид"
3. Выберите сервис ---> добавить проект
4. Введите адрес проекта http://MindModeling.org/beta/
5. Введите свои регистрационные данные.
6. Найдите нашу команду. Она называется Ukraine и адрес ее http://mindmodeling.org/beta/team_members.php?teamid=348&sort_by=total_credit&offset=0 вы могли видеть выше.
7. Если есть доступные для загрузки задания Вы их получите и начнете расчеты.
Полезная информация:
Для идентификации пользователя в BOINC могут служить 2 вещи:
1) пара e-mail/пароль
2) межпроектный идентификационный ID (Cross-project ID) - 32значное шестнадцатиричное число.

Если Вы пожелаете подключится ещё и к другому BOINC-проекту, то помните: чтобы не плодить новых аккаунтов при подключении к новому проекту или команде, нужно обязательно везде регистрироваться с одним и тем же e-mail/паролем либо CPID. если при регистрации в проекте указать другие e-mail или пароль, BOINC создаст новый аккаунт с тем же именем!

О проекте:
MindModeling@Home - научно-исследовательский проект, который использует добровольные вычисления для развития когнитологии (науки о мышлении). Исследования сосредоточены на том, чтобы использовать вычислительное моделирование познавательного процесса, для того, чтобы лучше понять человеческий разум. Мы нуждаемся в вашей помощи, чтобы усовершенствовать научные принципы, объясняющие механизмы и процессы,
которые определяют и управляют человеческими действиями и познаниями.
Пожалуйста, присоединяйтесь к нам в наших усилиях! MindModeling@home - некоммерчекий проект.

MindModeling@Home базируется в Научно-исследовательском институте когнитивных исследований в г. Меса, Аризона.

Другие проекты под вывеской Mindmodeling:Ссылки:График ППД команды за последние 60 дней:


IPB Image



Автор: Rilian Feb 10 2009, 10:03

New Job! SASTNM_10 is ready for some heavy crunching!
Feb. 9, 2009
We've got a new job in the system, SASTNM_10, and it's big one; it should provide crunching for at least several weeks. There are some quirks to it though. Because it's such a large space, and becuase we're running 100 sample of the same parameter set, this job only includes one parameter set per WU. What does this mean for crunchers? Well, since our 'percent complete' calculation is based off the completion of the first paramter set, having only one parameter set per WU is going to throw our calculation off a bit. This isn't something we haven't seen before, but it can be misleading sometimes. Just know that each workunit will start off at around 90% complete, but will work for about 10-15 minutes before completing. If there are any other issues we will address them as they come up, but feel free to let me know via email or the message boards. And as always, Happy crunching!


Database/file status
State #
Results ready to send 1,015,155
Results in progress 18,529
Workunits waiting for validation 4

Автор: Death May 26 2009, 14:52

Server Updates
May 25 2009 011:32:08
Hi folks, MindModeling.org will be experiencing updates over the next couple days which may result in the server be shut down for extended periods of time. Please be patient and we will provide as much information as possible in regards to the status of the site.

ВУ кончились.

Автор: Rilian Sep 3 2009, 22:17

It's hard to give a good estimate right now of when new work will be running on Mind Modeling. Our primary goal over the last few weeks has been backups and recovery, hardware and software analysis, and system performance optimization. We're expecting massive changes to the Mind Modeling infrastructure over the next couple months, and it's requiring a lot of careful thought, debate, and consideration. I would like to say new work will be running this week or the next, but I hate to make promises when we're currently focused on other priorities. I hope this downtime does not leave a bad taste in the minds of our volunteers, because we are actively working to make Mind Modeling better in the long run (more robust, reliable, etc.). We're making moves to take Mind Modeling from beta to fully operational. We look forward to your volunteer work when that time comes. In the meantime, good luck crunching!


Автор: Rilian Apr 13 2010, 00:02

Странные ВЮ. На первых 20 сек прогресс индикатор стоит на -100%. Потом прыгает на 90% и считает до 100% за 5-8 минут

Автор: Rilian Apr 13 2010, 00:39

December 15 2009 17:45:08
As it has been several monthes since my last news post, I will attempt to address some of the growing concerns relating to the current state of this project. On the development side, the team is working hard to expand our IT infrastructure and implement new technologies that will allow for a more reliable and robust system. We're also taking great strides to develop a new backend portal for our modelers to make our project easier-to-use and include more features. What does this mean for our volunteers? A more reliable system with quicker debug times and plenty of available work. What does this mean for our project? Advances in cognitive modeling at a much faster pace and grander scale than ever before.

Unfortunately, there is also some bad news. We are currently unable to host our MidModeling servers under the same agreement that we've been operating, and we will need to find a new home. We've got several options under way and should be hosting/serving MindModeling.org again sometime in early 2010. It is a setback, but it has also given us the time to make some necessary changess to our code and underlying architecture. Thanks for all your contributions and patience while we go through this period of readjustment.


Автор: nikelong Sep 18 2010, 12:12

Команда на 110-м месте...
Заданий к выдаче - ноль! Эх ....

Автор: Rilian Mar 31 2011, 16:03

2011-03-29: MindModeling@Home - New Application! New Workunits!

A new MindModeling application has been deployed, and along with it a new batch of workunits! This will aid one of our cognitive researchers in Germany who has been working in the field of Robust Decision Making. Thanks to everyone who has contributed thus far. Please post to the Number Crunching forum if you need to report any issues.

PS: уже ВЮ нет

Автор: Rilian May 25 2011, 10:36

есть таски

Автор: Death May 25 2011, 12:51


Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to mindmodeling.org
Try reloading: mindmodeling.­org/­beta/­

upd: все ок

Автор: Rilian Aug 9 2011, 23:54

2011-08-09: Volunteers, Good Afternoon. My name is TJ and I'm a new member of the MindModeling development team. I'm currently investigating our system performance issues relating to the low bandwidth you may have been experiencing with the last couple of jobs we've submitted to the system. I just wanted to let you all know that we'll be submitting a couple of large jobs in the next few days. These will be jobs whose results we already know, but I want to run these jobs again and watch our resource utilization while we're cranking out data with your help. I'm announcing this here because it was brought up in team discussion that it's possible some of you don't want to crunch numbers for us if it doesn't lead to some kind of usable result. Rest assured, your donated CPU cycles will always be put to good use while attached to our project, as each cycle you donate helps us tune and improve our system in the hopes of one day being that Go-To solution for cognitive modelers, both within the Air Force and other communities. Please continue posting feedback about your experience with our project, and we'll keep working to make sure your participation in our project minimally impacts your donated system. Thank you. -TJ

Автор: Rilian Oct 25 2011, 23:18


дедлайн 1 день
размер в памяти 120 МБ

Автор: Rilian Nov 16 2011, 08:38

Вчера были ВЮ smile.gif

Автор: x3mEn Jan 18 2012, 16:19

Зранку були ВЮ.

Автор: Rilian Feb 7 2012, 11:55


Автор: Khvastov Maxim Feb 7 2012, 13:08

Блин, посчитал уже немного, а к Ukraine не могу присоединиться idontno.gif
The website encountered an error while retrieving http://mindmodeling.org/beta/team_display.php?teamid=348. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
от халепа

Автор: Death Feb 7 2012, 14:05

2 ву достались

учитывая шо они по 2-3 минуты думаю до 1к не дотяну )))

Автор: Death Feb 7 2012, 14:11

[*]http://stats.free-dc.org/stats.php?page=team&proj=min&team=348 7.02.2012 - #97 sad.gif

Автор: Rilian May 1 2012, 19:17

в данную секунду есть вю

Автор: Rilian May 31 2012, 14:13

Вчера были ВЮ

Автор: Rilian Jun 8 2012, 22:20

Последнюю неделю почти каждый день есть ВЮ

не отключайтесь!


Автор: Rilian Jun 22 2012, 14:18

есть куча заданий

я за день поднял 1к очков!

Автор: Rilian Jun 22 2012, 16:32

Project is down
The project's database server is down. Please check back in a few hours.

Автор: Death Jun 22 2012, 21:08

челендж же ((

Автор: Rilian Jun 22 2012, 23:42

Сайт снова поднялся, задания есть

Автор: re_SET Jun 23 2012, 01:16

(Rilian @ Jun 8 2012, 23:20) *

Последнюю неделю почти каждый день есть ВЮ

не отключайтесь!


Посчитаю немного...

Автор: Rilian Jun 23 2012, 23:10

Computing status
Work #
Tasks ready to send 2,013
Tasks in progress 7,604

проект за последний день выдал больше заданий чем за последние 5 лет. Пользуйтесь случаем

Автор: Rilian Jun 24 2012, 14:00

не прошло і 4 лет, как я набрал 10,002 очков smile.gif

Автор: x3mEn Jul 28 2012, 23:53

У багатьох позабирали очки.
Без паніки!

MindModeling@Home experienced a hardware failure this morning. We will be restoring to our backup system.
Estimated Completion: Monday July 31, 2012 - 12:00 EST hours

Дочекаємось 1 серпня, тоді подивимось.

Автор: Death Jul 29 2012, 01:35

model my mind bitch

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