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Останні 10 повідомлень [ в зворотному порядку ]
nikelong Дата Mar 9 2009, 13:56
  Join the Search for Multifactorial Primes. This project continues work started by Ray Ballinger to find multifactorial prime numbers, primes of the form n!!+/-1, n!!!+/-1, n!!!!+/-1, searching for all primes up to 10,000 digits for each multifactorial type.

The project has recently proven the following numbers are prime:
Number Digits Date
229204!24 + 1 47,047 February 21, 2006
227194!24 + 1 46,598 February 21, 2006
226208!24 + 1 46,378 February 21, 2006
164892!11 + 1 71,700 March 19, 2006
80069!3 + 1 119,284 March 31, 2006
127284!7 + 1 84,929 October 31, 2007
221378!25 + 1 43,489 December 29, 2007
142780!7 + 1 96,285 January 23, 2008
215387!23 + 1 45,880 January 25, 2008
235349!25 + 1 46,484 January 30, 2008

On March 29, 2005, the project finished !19 to 200,000. On May 31, 2005, the project finished !17 + 1 to 170,000. On August 6, 2005, the project finished !17 - 1 to 170,000. On August 21, 2005, the project finished !25 to 200,000. On September 9, 2005, the project finished !15 to 130,000. On November 26, 2005, the project finished !15 to 150,000. On November 26, 2005, the project tested all types up to 20 to 10,000 * type +/- 1. On December 20, 2005, the project finished !3 + 1 to 75,000. On February 28, 2006, the project finished !24 + 1 to 240,000. On March 27, 2008, the project finished !25 + 1 to 250,000.

Participation instructions are at the top of the project page. Basically, you email the project coordinator to reserve a type, then use the multisieve and pfgw Windows applications to sieve the range and find primes in it, then submit your results to the project coordinator.
Death Дата Feb 10 2009, 13:48

n!! = n!2

n!!! = n!3

n!k+-1 - мультифакторное простое число.
nikelong Дата Feb 9 2009, 20:51
  Multifactorial Primes

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