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Останні 10 повідомлень [ в зворотному порядку ]
Death Дата Dec 18 2015, 23:16
  C200_143_34 done

7900 CPU-hours on Opteron 6168 to get 173M relations (31-bit large primes), then 52.6 clock-hours on i7/4770K -t4 for linear algebra on a density-90 10.10M matrix
Rilian Дата Dec 4 2015, 06:53
  воскресил smile.gif
Death Дата Dec 3 2015, 22:05
  проект жив. не трогайте.
astronom2003 Дата Nov 27 2015, 10:08
  Проект мёртв. Перенесите кто-нибудь в "Завершені проекти".
Death Дата May 22 2012, 17:31
  C174_109_92 factors found
Posted by: "Sean" swellman_98
Mon May 21, 2012 3:16 pm (PDT)

SNFS, 7 weeks

prp86 = 28278801379632452262035027437019273679210733462898278074079232960568644571108105489737

prp88 = 9952788983009874088810588970649072996688232471601010405916626588827141450126568819975369

перенесите в математику плиз ))
Death Дата Feb 13 2012, 23:11
11152572599051427110742333085048318153595931368934225933492151805331942099462316176877 (p86) *
55253353575306873 (p117)
by SNFS, 14 days
Death Дата Mar 19 2011, 14:21
  Factor Results for C171_124_108: (by SNFS)

prp72 factor:

prp100 factor:

Death Дата Mar 9 2010, 13:40
  122_46 by SNFS
Posted by: "Sean A. Irvine" @.co.nz archmageirvine
Sun Mar 7, 2010 12:10 pm (PST)

122_46 C146=
100198451326796315920392594933066977337740667934218989609877197 (p63) *
839352072066892974099916990962277515323768867412052707597506786818612015918806149333 (p84)

by SNFS.
nikelong Дата Mar 9 2009, 14:35
  Help factor numbers of the form xy + yx in the XYYXF project.

The project completed the factorization of all numbers with y < 11 as of February 7, 2005. It completed the factorization of all numbers up to x = 90 as of March 16, 2005. It completed the factorization of all numbers with y < 16 as of April 27, 2005. The number of composites was reduced to 2500 as of September 10, 2005. It completed the factorization of all numbers with y <= 100 as of October 28. The number of composites was reduced to 2300 as of October 18, 2007. It completed the factorization of all numbers up to x = 100 as of October 28, 2007.

The project added a Primes and PRPs of the form xy + yx page to its website on June 6, 2008.

The project has factored the following numbers recently: 10852 + 52108 February 4, 2005
108100 + 100108 February 7, 2005
10099 + 99100 May 27, 2005
9589 + 8995 February 2, 2006
9584 + 8495 June 7, 2006
10392 + 92103 September 28, 2006
14832 + 32148 March 12, 2007
15048 + 48150 September 9, 2007
13144 + 44131 February 14, 2008
114103 + 103114 May 29, 2008

The project has also factored the following numbers recently: C251_124_105 = P41 * C210 August 16, 2005

You can reserve numbers manually through the project website and factor them with your favorite factoring client application (GMP-ECM is reocmmended), or you can use the ECMclient application and automatically reserve numbers and submit results (use the ecmserver childers.myip.org, port 34). Version 6.0 of GMP-ECM is available as of February 28, 2005. Version 2.5.6 of ECMclient is available as of March 16, 2005. Version 1.39 of MSieve, another client which can be used for the project, is available as of December 2, 2008. As of November 19, 2004, there are 3,242 XYYXF composites from C93 to C321. 761 of them are reserved; 2,481 (including 123 more wanted) are available. Due to a massive SNFS attack, only 38 new numbers were added to the "most wanted" list for 2005.
Death Дата Oct 11 2008, 23:59
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