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> PRPnet (PSA), Project Staging Area
Apr 5 2011, 18:20
Пост #1

<script ///>

Група: Moderators
Повідомлень: 6 371
З нами з: 5-November 03
З: Kyiv
Користувач №: 26
Стать: НеСкажу
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А вы в курсе что существует ПРПнет? Проект параллельно с праймом ищущий простые числа.



Я вот подрубился к апрельскому проекту http://primegrid.com/forum_thread.php?id=3228

чтобы засветиться в стате http://u-g-f.de/PRPNet/allteam_stats.php?proj=5oB icon_trollface.png

Добро пожаловать в Project Staging Area (PSA)!

PSA создана для поиска, тестирования и подготовки будущих проектов для PrimeGrid BOINC. Она также включает дополнительные проекты, которые не включены в BOINC. Основное отличие от BOINC заключается в наличии отсутствия GUI, вместо него используется обычное окно Windows или Linux терминал. После настройки клиент получает задания и выполняет тестирование автоматически.

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Пример настройки cpu клиента на 4 реальных ядрах i7-2600k и gpu на gtx470. Создаем 5 папок + батник:


cd gpu
start "GPU" /MIN /AFFINITY 55 prpclient.exe
cd ..
cd cpu0
start "CPU0" /MIN /AFFINITY AA prpclient.exe
cd ..
cd cpu1
start "CPU1" /MIN /AFFINITY AA prpclient.exe
cd ..
cd cpu2
start "CPU2" /MIN /AFFINITY AA prpclient.exe
cd ..
cd cpu3
start "CPU3" /MIN /AFFINITY AA prpclient.exe
cd ..
Процессы cpu привязываются к ядрам 1,3,5,7 - маска '10101010', она же в hex 'AA'; gpu - к ядрам 0,2,3,6 - маска '01010101', она же в hex '55'. Если в процессоре нет HT и планируется считать на всех ядрах, то ключ /AFFINITY не нужен.

Для подпроекта на gpu GFN 524288 файл конфигурации prpclient.ini в папке gpu:





Папка содержит файлы cudart32_32_16.dll, cufft32_32_16.dll, genefercuda.exe, prpclient.exe и prpclient.ini

Для cpu подпроекта 27 Prime Search файл конфигурации prpclient.ini в папках cpu0-cpu3:

instanceid=2 (3,4,5)




Папки содержат файлы llr64.exe, prpclient.exe и prpclient.ini

Исполняемые файлы берутся из подходящего архива с сайта программ. Файл prpclient.ini создается вручную.

Немного об файле prpclient.ini:
machineid - идентификатор компьютера, обычно пишут имя процессора/видеокарты или дают им мифические имена.
instanceid - должен быть уникальным на локальном компьютере в каждой папке, т.е. для 4 ядер и 1 видеокарты их будет 5.
server - адрес сервера проекта, который будет рассчитываться.

Остальные настройки можно подчитать в файле master_prpclient.ini:

// email= is a REQUIRED field. The server will be use this address
// to send you an e-mail when your client discovers a prime.

// userid= is a REQUIRED field that will be used by the server
// to report on stats, etc. without having to reveal the user's
// e-mail address. DO NOT USE spaces. Instead use underscore _.

// This value differentiates clients using the same e-mail ID
// DO NOT USE spaces. Instead use underscore _.

// This value differentiates instances on a machine
// This will be set automatically by the *-update-prpclient-ini script
// If you prefer to setup up prpclient directories manually, please
// set this to a unique identifier (e.g. 1,2,3,4...)

// Tests completed by this "team" will be rolled-up as part of team stats. This
// will be recorded on tests that are pending and then updated when tests are
// completed. Since it is stored on the server per test, it is possible for a
// single user to be a member of multiple teams. If no value is specified for
// this field, then completed tests and primes will not be awarded to any teams.
// DO NOT USE spaces. Instead use underscore _.

// server= configures the mix of work to perform across one or more
// servers. It is parsed as follows:
// <suffix>:<pct>:<workunits>:<server IP>:<port>
// <suffix> - a unique suffix for the server. This is used to distinguish
// file names that are created for each configured server.
// <pct> - the percentage of PRP tests to do from the server.
// <workunits> - the number of PRP tests to get from the server. The
// server also has a limit, so the server will never return
// more than its limit.
// <server IP> - the IP address or name for the server
// <port> - the port of the PRPNet server
// Setting pct to 0 means that the client will only get work from the
// server if it cannot connect to one of the other configured servers.
// Please read the prpnet_servers.txt in this directory for information
// on the latest PRPNet servers.

// The following servers are from PrimeGrid. To make a server active,
// you must remove the "//". For more information about proper settings
// please see the readme_primegrid.txt in this directory.
// For descriptions of each project, please see this thread:
// http://www.primegrid.com/forum_thread.php?...wrap=true#13329

// Additional servers from PrimeGrid

// The following server is from the Sierpinski/Riesel base 5 Project
// This server is external to PrimeGrid.

// This is the name of LLR executable. On Windows, this needs to be
// the LLR console application, not the GUI application. The GUI
// application does not terminate when the PRP test is done.
// On some systems you will need to put a "./" in front of the executable
// name so that it looks in the current directory for it rather than
// in the system path.
// LLR can be downloaded from http://jpenne.free.fr/index2.html
// If running a 64-bit system, comment out the llr.exe and uncomment llr64.exe
// To use a CC 1.3+ CUDA GPU, comment out llr.exe and uncomment llrCUDA.exe

// This is the name of the PFGW executable. On Windows, this needs to
// be the PFGW console application, not the GUI application.
// PFGW can be downloaded from http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/openpfgw/
// If you are running a 64 bit OS, comment out the pfgw32 line
// and uncomment the pfgw64 line.

// This is the name of the genefer executables used for GFN searches. Up
// to four different Genefer programs can be specified. The client will
// attempt a test in the following order if applications are available:
// genefercuda, genefx64, genefer, genefer80, and pfgw. If a round off error
// occurs, the test will restart with the next available application in the
// same order. The order they are specified below is not important.
// If you are running on a 64 bit OS, uncomment the genefx64 line.
// If you have an Nvidia Compute Capability 1.3 or greater GPU, uncomment the genefercuda line

// This is the name of the executable used for Wieferich and Wall-Sun-Sun searches.
// Available ONLY to 64bit OS. Uncomment if you have 64bit OS.
// If you have an OpenCL-capable GPU, uncomment 'wwwwcl'

// This sets the CPU affinity for LLR on multi-CPU machines. It defaults to
// -1, which means that LLR can run on an CPU.

// This sets the GPU affinity for CUDA apps on multi-GPU machines. It defaults to
// -1, which means that the CUDA app can run on an GPU.

// Set to 1 to tell PFGW to run in NORMAL priority. It defaults to 0, which means
// that PFGW will run in IDLE priority, the same priority used by LLR, phrot,
// and genefer.

// This option is used to default the startup option if the PREVIOUS
// SHUTDOWN LEFT UNCOMPLETED WORKUNITS. If no previous work was left
// this will act like option 9.
// 0 - prompt
// 1 - Return completed work units, abandon the rest, then get more work
// 2 - Return completed work units, abandon the rest, then shut down
// 3 - Return completed, then continue
// 4 - Complete in-progress work units, abandon the rest, then get more work
// 5 - Complete in-progress work units, abandon the rest, then shut down
// 6 - Complete all work units, report them, then shut down
// 7 - Complete all work units then shut down (do not report completed work)
// 9 - Continue from where client left off when it was shut down

// stopoption= tells the client what to do when it is stopped with CTRL-C and there is
// work that has not been completed and returned to the server. Options 2, 5, and 6 will
// return all workunits. This will override stopasapoption. The accepted values are:
// 0 - prompt
// 2 - Return completed work units, abandon the rest, then shut down
// 3 - Return completed work units (keep the rest), then shut down
// 5 - Complete in-progress work units, abandon the rest, report them, then shut down
// 6 - Complete all work units, report them, then shut down
// 7 - Complete all work units then shut down (do not report completed work)
// 9 - Do nothing and shut down (presumes you will restart with startoption=9)

// stopasapoption= tells the client that it needs to be shutdown automatically, i.e. without
// a CTRL-C. It is evaluated after each test is completed. It should be 0 upon startup.
// The accepted values are:
// 0 - Continue processing work units
// 2 - Return completed work units and abandon the rest
// 3 - Return completed work units (keep the rest)
// 6 - Complete all work units and return them
// 7 - Complete all work units then shut down (do not report completed work)

// Timeout on communications errors
// (default is 60 minutes, minimum is 1 minute if not specified here...)
// Note that the actual used in the client is anywhere from 90% to 110% of this value

// Size limit in megabytes for the prpclient.log file...
// 0 means no limit.
// -1 means no log.

// Set the debug level for the client
// 0 - no debug messages
// 1 - all debug messages
// 2 - output debug messages from socket communication

// Whether or not to echo "INFO" messages from server to console for accepted tests
// 0 - no echo
// 1 - echo (default)

Все очки спустя некоторое время будут отображены в PrimeGrid как подпроект PSA (1:20, WWW 1:10) имеются бэджи

Статистика по юзеру:


(Вместо %username% подставляем нужный никнэйм)

Це повідомлення відредагував x3mEn: Aug 9 2013, 08:17
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+Quote Post

Повідомлення у даній Темі
Death   PRPnet (PSA)   Apr 5 2011, 18:20
x3mEn   Відомо. В статистиці PrimeGrid це Project Staging   Apr 5 2011, 19:51
Death   кто хочет поучаствовать? )))))   Apr 5 2011, 20:09
Death   та да, шото мало желающих ((   Apr 6 2011, 14:31
x3mEn   Death, була така іграшка, Neverhood. Мені з неї за...   Apr 6 2011, 16:46
Death   это где такой пластилиновый хрен бегал? )))))))0 ...   Apr 6 2011, 17:41
x3mEn   GFN65536:50:1:prpnet.primegrid.com:12003 GFN32768:...   Apr 6 2011, 18:47
Death   http://u-g-f.de/PRPNet/team_search?tid=Ukraine кс...   Apr 7 2011, 10:45
whynot   В PRPNet какой-то five-or-bust, кажется, загоняют ...   Apr 23 2011, 23:08
Death   http://distributed.org.ua/forum/index.php?...indpo...   Apr 24 2011, 17:39
(_KoDAk_)   PRPNet is have bad usability[/quote] PRPNet is ju...   Apr 25 2011, 16:07
Death   PRPNet Update 5.0.5 The main update in v5.0.5 is ...   Feb 4 2012, 19:14
x3mEn   Наваяв сторінку про PRPNet на dou wiki: http://dis...   Nov 7 2013, 12:07
serhjo   Наваяв сторінку про PRPNet на dou wiki: http://di...   Nov 7 2013, 18:42
Death   PRPNet Update 5.2.8 This update includes the prpc...   Nov 12 2013, 12:51
Death   по поводу вики Ви можете обрати будь-яку комбінаці...   Nov 12 2013, 12:57
x3mEn   Total percent of servers does not equal 100. Norm...   Nov 12 2013, 19:57
Death   а нашо пояснювать? напиши шо відсотки та й все.   Nov 15 2013, 14:23
x3mEn   Ріліан-стайл детектед. Вікі - вільна для зареєстро...   Nov 15 2013, 14:38
Death   http://u-g-f.de/PRPNet/challenge_stats.php текущий...   Apr 17 2014, 22:54
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